WORKINAR + 1:1 Coaching

Since you are here, I understand that personal growth is essential to your life 🙂 

And that’s why I created WORKINARS; an unique online coaching experiences that combine a workshop‘s interactive, learning-focused nature with the convenience of a webinar.

To learn more about my services for English speaking clients, visit Evoking Excellence

Workinar + 1:1 Coaching

Building Balanced Enthusiasm

When Ambition Meets Capacity for Optimal Performance


Are you ready to step into your power and lead a more fulfilling life? It's all about balancing your ambition with realistic expectations, a solution-focused attitude, and a positive outlook on life. Embrace the possibilities while respecting your limits and allowing yourself time to rest and recharge.

This program is designed to help you tackle challenges with a mindful approach and cultivate a positive mindset. You will gain a better understanding of yourself and your abilities, enabling you to confidently pursue your goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The art of balancing your ambition with your capacity for optimal performance is crucial for enhancing your well-being.

It's time to take charge of your life with a balanced approach and confidently pursue your aspirations without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged by any possible hindrances.

Join us and step into your power with confidence and clarity.



  • 18 min Live Online Interactive Coaching Experience
  • 30 min 1:1 coaching conversation on Zoom audio (scheduled separately)
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Workinar + 1:1 Coaching

Overcoming obstacles with one small promise

Unleash the untapped potential that is bubbling inside of you


Are you looking to break through the barriers holding you back?


Join us in a powerful workinar experience focusing on building self-leadership, motivation, and self-determination. We offer an evidence based approach to retooling old habits and attitudes while creating new ones that can help propel you toward your desired outcome.


  • 18 min Live Online Interactive Coaching Experience
  • 30 min 1:1 coaching conversation on Zoom audio (scheduled separately)
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Workinar + 1:1 Coaching

Befriending Sleep

How to build a robust relationship with sleep


Do you ever feel like you're constantly running on empty, unable to catch up on your much-needed rest? Getting a good night's sleep can be challenging, but what if the solution is easier than you think?


In an 18-minute workinar, we'll dive into the concept of "befriending sleep" and explore techniques to cultivate a robust relationship with this essential part of our lives.

We all know how important it is to prioritize our sleep, but sometimes life gets in the way. That's why we're here to help you build a healthy and sustainable relationship with sleep that works for you.

By the end of our time together, you will feel more confident and better equipped with knowledge and practical tools to take control of your sleep so that you can wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day!


  • 18 min Live Online Interactive Coaching Experience
  • 30 min 1:1 coaching conversation on Zoom audio (scheduled separately)
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Workinar + 1:1 Coaching

Good Enough Is Excellent

You don't have to be superhuman to be extraordinary


Are you tired of being trapped in the never-ending cycle of perfectionism, constantly worrying about meeting unrealistic standards?

Do you feel like you're never good enough, no matter how hard you try?


In this workinar, we will explore the concept of "Good Enough" and how it can help you break free from the pressure of perfectionism.

Through intentional progress and taking ownership of your growth, you can become the best version of yourself without sacrificing your well-being.

Join us to learn how to flourish without external pressure and create a reality where you can focus on growing, learning, and thriving. It's time to let go of the need for perfection and embrace the journey towards excellence.

Because you don't have to be superhuman to be extraordinary.


  • 18 min Live Online Interactive Coaching Experience
  • 30 min 1:1 coaching conversation on Zoom audio (scheduled separately)
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